Doing Den Haag
After Warsaw, we visited the Netherlands via Paris. Our trip started with a driving tour through Amsterdam. Chris has been there before. To me, it was dirty and congested. Looks like a good place to bar hop, smoke dope, and take in the sights -- coffee shops and hash go together. There are A LOT Of bicycle riders with exceptionally good posture as well – cycling is the easiest way to maneuver the city. During our 35 minute drive to Den Haag we saw picturesque countryside with windmills and sheep farms. Den Haag is a coastal city that is spread out and not easily maneuverable by foot – that is once you get to you specific destination – beach, center city, etc. We learned more subtleties about Den Haag that aren’t often mentioned in travel catalogs – there aren’t many pay phones, for the few phones that are left they do not except coins only local calling cards and taxi cabs will not pick passengers from the street when hailed – you must have a reservation. How did we learn all of this? We were trying to get back to the hotel to meet Chris’s client and somehow took the wrong train heading in the wrong direction. So, we decided no big deal will just grab a cab back. Well, the cabs we hailed wouldn’t pick us up. Meanwhile, we are running very late in desperate need of a telephone and we couldn’t find one to call OR hail a taxi! We also learned restaurants close at 9pm on Sundays and it doesn’t get dark in the summer until 11pm. Once we figured all this out, the trip was much more enjoyable! We also visited and enjoyed quaint Delft -- a small city of canals and charm.
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