Wednesday, October 26, 2005

The Warsaw Way!

I have been remiss in keeping our blog updated. We have been distracted by the planning for our new son, Fletcher Johannes, who is due the 1st of December. So, we’ve been busy pondering and planning for the biggest event of our lives!

We visited Warsaw, Poland in June. It was a milestone trip for me -- my last international trip until after Fletcher is born. Our trip to Warsaw started with a diversionary trip to Ankara, Turkey for Chris. So, I was left to do all the tourist stuff all alone. Warsaw has a Russian, Eastern European aura, but it also very metropolitan and easy to maneuver. It is a very religious catholic country. During my tour, I happened upon a ceremony to celebrate the installation of the new pope. Even though I couldn’t understand what was being said, it was quite moving. Chris and I enjoyed the long nights – it didn’t get dark until nearly 11pm -- and our time in Stare Miasto, the city’s Old Town. We enjoyed the shops, entertainment, and excellent food. Although I must tell you it was difficult to find vegetables in the traditional polish restaurants, but still no complaints on the food!